128 days to go
One of the most dangerous things you can do in the City of Chicago is ride a bike on the streets. I never intended this to be an airing of my anger towards Chicago Motorists- I was actually considering doing an entire site dedicated to that- but I have to get this one off my chest. Some yahoo(fortunately in a company van) decided to nearly hit me with his side-view mirror. Normally, this isn't a problem, it's something that happens every day which I try to let roll down my back. But after he passed me(I was riding in the gutter, literally) he decided to turn right, leaving scant inches between my tire and the side of his van. I almost had to follow him down Fullerton, because I couldn't go anywhere else.
If, by any wonderful, ironic chance the driver of that van is reading this right now, I'd like to let you know a couple things:
1) I may not have your license plate number, but I do know what company you work for.
2) I know where you were this morning.
3) I know what kind of music you were listening to.
4) I know how to write complaint letters to supervisors and customer care representatives.
So, as you can see, my friend who doesn't yield right of way, a couple quick internet searches later, and I'm e-mailing your company, demanding an apology.
The Simpsons line of the moment:
"Cholera! I've got Cholera!"
Levity. I needed that.
I had a conversation with an incredibly close friend recently about careers. This comes, of course, after I've spent the day thinking about the movie Office Space. I've come to the explicable decision that we all should find something we really love and do that. Sounds trite, but I believe it, so take that.
Me, I'm waiting for the day my kid asks me to career day at his/her school, and I win over the class by telling them that I program their video games. That will be so cool. Got some time before that, though, so let's not hold our breath. Plus I just had a flashback to City Slickers: They get excited over the guy that gives them quarters at the arcade.
Oh, ooh! Simpons line of this moment:
I should really not have the Simpsons on when I'm blogging. Kinda distracting.
Sorry, my connection was dropped. That's what you get when you pay only $9.95 for internet access. Go figure.
I'd like to take a poll: Which one of the Fanta girls do you think is the hottest? Of course, some of you might not have Fanta in your particular market. For me, it's the one in the purple top.
So, let's make the turning 30 panic attack alert green again.
Oh, ooh! Simpons line of this moment:
"Lisa's casting spells at an 8th grade level. You've sinned against nature."
Like I said. Distracting, but you try to turn off the Simpsons in my house. Worst idea ever!
Well, I've got class to get ready for, so I'm not going to torture everyone with more facts about prime numbers. Well, not until later when I can't sleep and don't want to work on C++ programs. Although I got pretty far last night.
My fun, stupid, factod to send you off:
To convert from Kilometers to Miles, multiply by .62137.
To convert from Meters to Feet, multiply by 3.2833.
There you have it,
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