Wednesday, May 28, 2003

129 days to go

I've admittedly been thinking a lot the last couple days. I've been thinking about loss. Those of you who read this and know me know what and who I'm talking about.

Myself, I've been fairly lucky when it comes to loss. I still have a great-grandparent alive and well. All but one grandparent is alive, and he died five years before I was born, so I really can't call that a loss, except that I never knew him, but like the old addage: "it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all," without having known him, I can't feel his loss.

That really didn't come out the way I wanted to. I hope no one believes that I am that apathetic towards my family- I'm not- I'm just trying to frame up the situation. I lost a friend in High School. We weren't super close, but we were still buddies. That was hard, especially since he was so young.

My roommate calls this blog a confessional. In a way, he's right. Today, I'm confessing that I haven't gone through what so many of my friends have so recently gone through. At least, not to the same extent. To those friends, I apologize and want to express my deepest empathy, and you know who you are.

That's enough on the depressing philosophical side. I need some levity quick.

My turning 30 panic attack alert status is green. I'm feeling good today, despite the heavy thoughts.

It's long past time for me to get to work, so I'm going to have to cut this short, before any real happy thoughts pour out of my head. Call it balance(I am a libra, after all). I'll be funnier tomorrow.

I promise.



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