Monday, May 26, 2003

131 days to go

Anyone paying attention to this will suddenly realize that the countdown changed. Somehow(I'm sure my dad is mad at me for this) I screwed up the math. I don't know how. Let's try to pretend it didn't happen. Ok. I can't. Here's originally how I figured the days to go:

I took the number of days left in May(today there's 5), and added the number of days in the other months until October(so, 30, 31, 31, 30), and then added 4 for the number of days in October until my birthday. So, we wind up with:

5+30+31+31+30+4 = 131

So, you see, I must have screwed up the first one. My bad. I hope no one else is anal retentive enough to have noticed.

Yesterday was a tiring, wasteful day. I was stuck at Tower until 6:30 helping out with this stupid O.A.R. instore, which brought about 300 suburban teenagers to the store. They were amazingly annoying. No one, I repeat, no one was injured during the proceedings. I was temped to throw a couple off the balcony, but I had to restrain myself. Big thanks to our off-duty police officer John, who helped me keep those kids in order.

I wound up missing out on the Polkaholics show- much to my disappointment. My friend was right, though. It's the kind of thing that you don't want to overdo- it might loose it's appeal. Do, if you can, check them out sometime. They are fun. I'll be keeping an eye out for their next show.

Today's turning 30 panic attack alert status is ORANGE, the highest so far.

Let's just say that all those kids yesterday really, really wore me out.

My joke of the day from yesterday, when I saw Annika Sorenstam crying on TV:

"Don't worry, Annika, I'm still single."

Yes, friends, I've heard that she's married. I'm proud of her for trying this weekend, too. Of course, we should all keep in mind that I'm not a golf fan, except for playing it, which I'm incredibly bad at, but it's sometimes fun to get all zen and smack a little white ball around a big field. I think of all the sports we play, aliens would probably be most fascinated by golf. They'd be most stupefied by car racing.

That's the philosophy of the day, I guess. I'm just happy I got some sleep.

Happy Memorial Day, folks. Hug a Vet.



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