Tuesday, June 10, 2003

116 days to go
Part II: Electric Boogaloo

I've probably used that joke before. Forgive me. I like it.

My ride home was outstanding, despite being cut off twice. I love having the wind at my back, and the storms not there yet. They might not come, which is fine by me. Somedays I feel the need. The need for speed.

For some silly reason, I looked up hangover cures on google. We did a shot of SoCo last night at bowling in honor of a friend of mine. That shot did not bode well for my head this morning, hence the philosophical tone. Anyways, this is my new favorite place to play. It has all kinds of games and stupidity, perfect for wasting time while you're supposed to be working. Just what I needed, another distraction.

I'd like to congradulate the New Jersey Devils on winning the Stanley Cup. At least the Mighty Ducks didn't get it. I'd really be mad if that happened.

I'd like to report that I am Monkeypox free, in case you were wondering.

Oh yes, and the turning thrity panic attack alert status for today is orange. Starting off the day with the taste of SoCo in your mouth is not a good way to start a day.

I'm out of stuff to write about, except how unhappy I was to have a hangover this morning. Plus, I'm trying to find a website where I can buy a replica or authentic USA hockey sweater from 1980- personalized, of course, with #9, Broten on the back. So far, no luck. I can get a whole boatload of T-shirts though.

I'm off to maybe get some homework done, get some food in me, wrestle an alligator, something like that.

Until later!



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