Thursday, July 10, 2003

86 days to go
Part II: What an interesting day.

I do believe that the fates are against me riding in the L.A.T.E. Ride this weekend. Between the ankle and my first run-in with a car(yep! it just happened!), I'm starting to think that last year's broken finger(the day of) wasn't just bad luck.

About the "accident"- don't worry. The only thing that was hurt was his bumper and my front tire is a little low on air now, but that's all easily fixible. Lesson to be learned is that when you're driving and someone wants to turn left, it is NOT safe. There could be a bicycle coming up that you didn't look for, and the other driver can't see at all(especially when you're in your completely unnecessary SUV. This IS Chicago, people, the nearest real mountain isn't for hundreds of miles). Just my two cents.

Like I said, no one was hurt, I'm fine, he's fine, except for his scraped bumper and my slightly less than full tire.

I'm not even that mad. The guy was cool about it.

Oh well. I'm off to find a shower, a beer, and some Simpsons action. Not necessarily in that order.




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