Tuesday, July 08, 2003

88 days to go
Part III: Odds and evens.

Ah. The karmic circle. I was in a good mood for hours. Then I wasn't. Then my absolute favorite Simpsons episode was on(it's El Viaje Misterioso del Nuestro Jomer, for those who didn't already know it- guest voice by Johnny Cash). Now the best thing to watch is Donny Osmond's Pyramid. Of course, I'm not really watching, I just need some background noise to keep my brain from focusing on whatever it was that upset me earlier. It's a neat trick I play on myself.

Time for a movie, methinks. Of course, I should do some laundry. I figure the wash cycle should last the entire time I'm trying to pick out a movie. Mind you, this is at my house, not at the video store. Too much selection?



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