Tuesday, August 26, 2003

39 days to go

39. It's a fun number. It's where most people stop aging, too. Three times thirteen. It's all about the threes.

It turns out that the person who I wasn't sure about the future of our relationship was is going to try to be friends again, or stay friends, as it were. We'll see what happens. I'm all for it, as this is a longtime relationship and the person is very important to me.

I'm learning more and more about Boston geography. It's amazing. I've been to that city something like 7 times, but still don't know where anything is. And I pride myself in knowing where things are. Maybe this time I'll learn something permanent. Maybe.

It's funny, how memories fade and how you forget things. For instance, despite living there for so long, I am not terribly confident in my ability to find things in Minneapolis/St. Paul. I was never that good at Minneapolis, but was usually ok in St. Paul. Nowadays, I'm pretty well clueless.

I'm pretty sure I could still find most things I needed to in New York City, though. Who knows.

Anyways, time for work.


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