Thursday, September 11, 2003

23 days to go

Ok, because that number has gotten impressively depressing and small, I've decided that I'll try out a new countdown.

569 hours to go

This number is rounded off, higher, of course, to the nearest whole hour. There are certain things I don't want to deal with in fractions. This would be one of them.

Here's something I haven't talked about this week, something I rarely want to talk about, but there were 2 people who were very cool who passed away this week(I'm sure there are undoubted more than that, but I'm sharply aware of these two). Warren Zevon, of course, succombed to lung cancer. Also, a family friend of mine lost his battle to cancer this week.

As has been previously stated in this blog, I don't handle loss very well. These were great men, people I respected very much. They will be missed.

My very quick note on the September 11th thing for this morning. I remember both of the past two years the sky was crystal blue. Today, it's hazy here in Chicago. I'm not sure what that means, but it means something.

I'm off to work now. Be excellent to one another.


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