Thursday, September 04, 2003

30 days to go

Ok. It's just horrible to look at. 30. That's absolutely horrible.

Let's put the TTPAAS up to Red. I'm not going to feel good about this.

There are a couple other reasons for this: #1- my friend turned 21 at midnight, so, after the baseball game I took her out for a couple. By a couple, I mean we closed the bar. #2- I was late for work, due to my staying out pretending I turn 21. I don't. I turn 30.

So, there was no blogging this morning. There is also still no e-mail for your humble narrator. I'm getting, shall we call it, extremely pissed about this. You just know that this is the week that employers are offering me jobs through my e-mail account.

I'm hungry. Let's get a taco.

I'm going to put pictures from last night's game up on my epson site later on. There's some funny ones in there.

My day is looking up. I just heard my all time, hands down favorite Homer Simpson line. Here's how it goes:

Skinner: For one thing you wouldn't be getting a French student, you'd be getting an Albanian.

Homer: You mean all white with pink eyes?

The line's from season 1, which means I've been laughing about this for almost 14 years. I know. I should really find something new to laugh at, but hey. I like what I like.

I'm off. I need to get some food in me before my meeting tonight.


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