Monday, October 13, 2003

Attacking your day.

Ok. I'm not really going to write an inspirational thing about getting your day started. Mostly because I don't want to, but partially because I hate starting my day, anyways.

I received a $30 gift card from someone for my birthday. So, thank you to whoever sent me a gift card.

So, let's get a better recap of my weekend started:

The drive up was fairly uneventful, I got caught in a little traffic on my way out of the city, but I still got up there in just over 6 hours. Wisconsin is pretty when you look at it, with all the leaves changing and all, but extraordinarily boring to drive through.

The wedding was very rainy, and yes, it was outside. Oddly, by the time we were leaving for the reception, it was sunny. I hear this is good luck, rain on your outdoor wedding. It was nice, quick, and fun.

Damn. I got to get to work. More on the weekend's festivities later.


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