Thursday, December 18, 2003

[I] have been chosen to join the Justice Squadron!

Yes! As though things couldn't get stranger in my life, I've been selected to, you got it, if you watch enough Simpsons episodes(click here, select season 10, episode 1022 or here and scroll down), for Jury Duty!

Wanna hear the real kicker? It's in Skokie! What the hell to do I care about crime in Skokie? I've been there maybe two or three times in my life, driven through it a couple more times, and don't really give a rat's ass. Skokie, for those who don't know the Chicago area, is a suburb that is really only notable for it's malls. No movies are filmed there, it's just houses and malls, really. And, well, apparently, a Circuit Court of Cook County.

Knowing my luck, I'll be working on this trial, involving one of the more despicable politicians to ever "serve" the public. Apparently lotsa folks outside of the state have heard of this bozo thanks to his inexplicable nomination to the Nobel Peace Prize. But what most people don't know is that there's a state senator by the name of Jack Ryan(no relation), who will be forever doomed to not serve this state, as he shares the same name of this crook. It's amazing to me that any republican can get elected in this state. It's amazing.

Anyways. Enough of me spouting on that guy. Let's just hope I don't have to deal with his trial.


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