Thursday, December 25, 2003

Merry what?

I think that The Accordion Guy probably summed up my feelings on christmas better than I could have all by myself. That doesn't mean I won't try.

I remember when I was about 10 or so, my mother thought that my brother and I should learn the "true meaning of christmas" so she did something cruel and unusual. She took us to church. I think that was the last time that I really felt something about christmas, too. Having been raised without religion, I thought christmas was a good thing, I didn't need it to mean anything to me, I just wanted it to be. Anyways, I realized that night, sitting in the same church where my parents were married, that I was a hypocrite. It was rather unsettling, and I almost wish that I hadn't gone. I realized that I was celebrating the wrong thing. I didn't believe in christ, still don't, and definitely didn't think that celebrating his life once a year is a good thing. Especially since christmas wasn't meant to be such an extravagance. If you are christian(for whatever reason you are), think about this today: you shouldn't worship Jesus. You should emulate him.

That's all as far as soapboxing for today. I've got a soup to make for the dinner I'm going to, and I've got poker chips to count.


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