Thursday, January 08, 2004

My utopian solution to wars.

Ok. I never thought this would actually make a spotlight or anything like that(if you consider my humble little corner of cyberspace to be a spotlight), but here's something I came up with to combat two problems in the world: being out of shape and war.

So, instead of hauling off and shooting at each other, why not have a global governing body such as the U.N., when it comes time for two tribes to go to war, have a giant lottery cage with the names of each and every sport on them. The two countries will then engage in a best of 7 series of games in that sport. The winner obviously wins, the loser complies to a set of pre-determined conditions.

It keeps all countries playing all kinds of sports, staving off obesity(yes, I know in most countries it's not the big a problem, but it might just work), and it keeps bullets and grenades and tanks on the shelf.

Now, the disclaimer. I was, if memory serves, rather young and particularly drunk when I first came up with this idea. Call me a hippie, call me a jock, just stop calling me Shirley.

Now, I'm going to do something more productive.


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