Thursday, January 08, 2004

One of the greatest nights of my life.

Ok. I'm not calling it top ten or anything, but I was in a very, very, very good mood last night.

What made me so happy? In a word, well, two actually, hockey and tacos. Those of you who were hoping for some sordid sex scandal are going to be disappointed. Sorry about that.

No, I was over at my dear friend's house, where I made her tacos, which are yummy at all times, then proceeded to watch not just my beloved Chicago Wolves, but my beloved Minnesota Wild as well. Both teams beat their opponents, 5-0 and 7-4, respectively.

I was immensely happy. Needless to say, I'm not used to being so happy.

What, with the new job and all, two hockey victories, and tacos, what's to be upset about?

Not much. Not much at all.


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