Friday, February 20, 2004

Friday Five

When was the last time you...

1. ...went to the doctor?
November 2002, for a mysterious allergic reaction.

2. ...went to the dentist?
Longer than it should be, that's for sure.

3. ...filled your gas tank?
I don't own a car, but on Superbowl Sunday I filled up my rental car's gas tank.

4. enough sleep?
Enough. It's always a hard word, especially when it comes to sleep. Enough for me is about 6 hours, so minus a slight interruption around 3:45 this morning, last night.

5. ...backed up your computer?
Ah yes, the impossible question... I don't back it up often, only when I feel things slipping. I also don't keep too much on there that can't be lost or replaced without me worrying much. I'd say probably August was when I backed up my school files, the most important on there.


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