Wednesday, March 31, 2004

I wish I hadn't read it. I really do.

Ok. Read this article, and wonder what's wrong with the world. Me, I'm too disgusted to make a coherent comment about it.

I've got a great idea. Let's get all our troops out of Iraq, airlift Saddam back into power, and then see if these assholes are still stringing civilians, for fuck's sake, civilians from bridges. If we do it, it's anti-Islam. If they do it, it's jihad.

We may not be the greatest country when it comes to foreign policy, let's face it, we're perceived as bullies and assholes, but when we pull out all our money and troops, then we're assholes for letting shit go down. I'm not pro-Bush, never was, but what I am right now is sick of this fucking war and sick of all the bullshit that goes on because people won't just accept other people.

I'm going to go crawl into a corner and take a nap. Wake me when it's over.


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