Wednesday, March 17, 2004

The wearin' o' da green.

I'm Irish. Just a little, but it's there. I'm a lot of things, as I've discovered through my genealogy research, including a couple I never would have suspected(French) and some interesting facts, for instance:

1- my great(X5) grand uncle was a general on George Washington's staff.
2- my ancestors helped found Providence, RI(oh yeah- I'm that hot, baby!).
3- one of my grandmother's ancestors fought in the American Civil War, was wounded, captured, and released by the south.
4- the oldest traced member of my family tree was an artist, and one of his paintings is owned by the Met in NYC.

Just some cool things, inspired by Joey's family history lesson. In light of this information, I would request that any wedding planning include a lengthy discussion of kilts.

Or, at the very least, plaid yarmulkes.

P.S.- my spell checker wanted to replace yarmulkes with wrinkles. Note that on this site they don't actually have plaid ones, but check out the sports yarmulkes.


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