Monday, April 26, 2004

An explanation of my lack of presence:

I was around all weekend, and didn't bother to blog, right? No. Not true. I wrote a lovely recap of the hockey game I went to on Friday, along with sharing my two new favorite taunts. It became lost in cyberspace when my computer, in all it's Windows ME glory, decided it didn't want to work right then.

I was, as expected, somewhat pissed.

After this, I decided it was high time I got on my bike, and managed only about 3 miles before my shoulder hurt too much to keep going. I was again, somewhat pissed. After all, I've got slightly more than 2 months to have myself in shape for this ride, and if I'm sidelined two weekend in a row, I'm not getting anywhere fast. After giving up and finding some food and taking some painkillers and watching Hamburger Hill, I went to my friend J's house, where I was going to earn my keep by fixing her entertainment center, and because she is so good-natured, inherit my old desk back. It has been pointed out to me that one of the things I shouldn't be doing with a bad shoulder is perhaps avoiding doing manual labor and moving around furniture. This is a valid concern, and an excellent point about how I rarely follow the good advice, even when I realize it is the logical thing to do. At least I'm not bowling.

Yesterday I wasted almost the entire day, sitting on the computer. I can't say I didn't have fun, and I did get laundry and ironing done for the whole week, but there was so much more I wanted to get done. It happens. I wasn't in the mood to clean, even though I really, really need to. Pub quiz last night was fairly blaze. I wasn't really in the mood, despite not having gone in a couple weeks. I guess hosting your own can take the excitement out of participating. Something like that. Hopefully I'll be more interested next week. We'll just have to see.

So, the taunts, which I mentioned earlier:

"I didn't realize it was Braille night!" That's for the refs, obviously.

And, for Joey MacDonald, goalie for the Grand Rapids Griffins(it should be noted that their website includes links so you can send the players e-mail- this is far too tempting for me), a collaborative effort of my friend T and myself:

"Old MacDonald was a sieve, S-I-E-V-E
And in his net, he had a puck, S-I-E-V-E
With a goal scored here,
And a goal scored there,
Here a goal, there a goal,
Everywhere a goal scored,
Old MacDonald was a sieve, S-I-E-V-E"

I'm sure you all can imagine, what with 4 goals in the first period, good old MacDonald getting pulled before the end of the first, and 3 more goals in the second, my voice was pretty well shot before the third period started. My solution was, after we got to the bar after the game, to drink my vodka tonics with lemon instead of lime. Probably the only reason I can talk today, actually.

Good times.


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