Friday, June 25, 2004

Jack or George?

I've said before in this blog(sorry, too lazy to track down the link) that Jack Ryan shouldn't try to run. It's too soon for Illinois voters, who only associate the name Ryan with George H., and the licenses for bribes scandal which pretty well ruined Illinois republicans for years.

I will agree with what Peter Fitzgerald, retiring republican senator:
"I told him that it troubled me greatly that so many party leaders who had no trouble stomaching years and years of corruption and insider deals and scandals under George Ryan were now lining up to throw stones at Jack (no relation to George Ryan)," Fitzgerald said.

"I think the public stoning of Jack Ryan is one of the most grotesque things I've seen in politics," he said. He said he talked to Ryan on Thursday but hadn't spoken with him since then.

It is grotesque. It's image saving. It's the christian right saying, well, you can sin with drugs and greed and draft-dodging, but be damned if you do something weird with your penis, even if it is with your wife.

I am reminded of a Dharma and Greg episode where Greg is running for some office and is caught having sex with his wife in his car, and is lauded for actually having sex with his wife in his car.

And in the end, if I were married to Jeri Ryan, well...


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