Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Movie reviews

I've been slacking on sharing the movies I've seen. Plus, I'm responding to a comment as to whether or not I got to see Fahrenheit 9/11. I may spoil a thing or two, so read at your own risk.

I didn't. J and I walked up to the theatre last night to find that the 7:30 show was sold out. Kinda freaky for the Davis on a Monday, but it is a popular movie, it seems.

Last week, however, for J's birthday, I took her to see Coffee and Cigarettes, which was a fun movie to watch, even though at times the pace was strange, and some of the jokes were repeated too often, but I liked it overall, and was rewarded for my patience time and again(who doesn't want to hear the line 'Groundhog Day, Ghostbustin' mutha-fucka' Bill Murray!'). One thing I couldn't figure out, and just found out, is that the scene that was older(this film was 17 years in the making) was the first one- I was surprised to learn that.

So, after being thwarted in my attempt to see 9/11 yesterday, J and I decided to head back to the local rental store and check out Mystic River. I was less than impressed. Although the movie was very well acted, the "twist" at the end was predictable and almost trite- and the character development seemed almost an afterthought- especially early on. I didn't identify with anyone until we were more than halfway through the movie. Seeing all the Boston views made me miss my second favorite city.

I am planning on seeing 9/11 this week, provided I can get to the theatre before tickets sell out. I will blog my official review afterwards.


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