Thursday, July 15, 2004

Tech Support, This is Dave. How can I piss you off today?

I have to share this, because it's too funny.

Customer: Can I place cross-market spead orders in Lind Express?
Me: I don't know. That would be a question to ask a trader. Technical support doesn't answer trade questions.
Customer: Well, it is a techinical question.
Me: No, sir, that is a trade question. Tech support answers questions about technology, about the program, not about trading.
Customer: Well, if you're not sure, can you find out?
Me: Let me put you on hold.
[confer with my fellow computer specialists]
Me: Sir? You can place cross-market spreads, however only certain markets accept them. You'd have to ask a broker or your trade desk to find out which ones.
Customer: What do you mean certain markets? Like only the CME?
Me: Only certain commodities. Like I said, you'll have to ask your broker or trade desk to get this question answered.
Customer: Well, I don't think you know what you're talking about.

No shit, asshat. I told you that.

You're not going to believe this, but he just called back, after getting transferred around.

Me: Tech Support, this is Dave.
Customer: Yeah, I want to speak with somebody other than Dave.
Me: Okay.
Customer: Is Pete there?
Me: No.
Customer: I need to speak with someone other than Dave.
Me: Fine. [writes down phone number]

Vengeance will be mine.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, you get some dense people calling you.


P.S. Would sometime in September work for me to come down, eat your Spaghetti O's and take up space on your couch?

3:21 PM  
Blogger Dave said...

This guy was a treat. Literally. Mostly because he just wanted to be smarter than someone. Too bad he got me.

September should be good- depending on when the surgery happens.

Let me know.

3:24 PM  

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