Friday, August 06, 2004

I almost forgot!

To thank those responsible for the massive 2 am solo drag race in their souped-up whateverfuckingkindofcarthatwas which started at the stop sign below my bedroom window and ended at Irving Park Road, a total of one half of a city block away.

Thanks, man. The scratches my panicked cat left on me will heal, but my anger towards you won't go away easier.

Especially since I heard you pull the same shit not more than 30 minutes later.

I'm writing my alderman today to see if I can get a speed hump put in. We'll see how happy you are doing the same thing when you entire exhaust system is torn off. When you hear uproarious cackling from the corner, yes, in fact, it is me.


Blogger cynthia said...

hey last night at 2am we had a group of punks walking through the street shooting off some kind of very loud fake gun, laughing that they were waking everybody up. a neighbor yelled out the window that he was calling the police and they said "call em. by then we'll be inside!" and he yelled back that he was watching where they were going. so they started running, laughing.

2:20 PM  

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