Friday, August 13, 2004

Late night + early morning = crabby Dave

So, I was out and about at my friend J's new bar, the Globe Pub last night, and did quite a bit of liver damage... They spent something like $11,000 on this machine to regulate their Guinness pours- and I appreciate every last drop. I must have, because I spent at least $30 on Guinness alone- much more than I had planned on. But I had a good time, and that's the important part, right?

So, I didn't get home until rather late(at least for me, rather late) and I woke up with the most run-down feeling. I'm so glad it's Friday night and I can feel like a complete lame-o and sit at home with a bottle of wine and a movie. Maybe two, if I'm feeling saucy.


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