Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Time Transfixed.

Stemming from my previous entry, I looked up the Art Institute's website, and got to wondering- do they actually have a place where you can view the collection? The answer, of course, is a resounding yes.

So, this brings up an old story to some, but one I feel I should tell again. When I moved back to Chicago in February 1997, I was a young up-and-coming employee for soulless company who stole my youth, my dad helped me move all my belongings down here. He drove the truck full of my furniture, I drove my car full of smaller items. I moved in, with some help from friends, and settled into my new job very quickly. About a week later, I got a rather sentimental e-postcard from my father, including a picture of his favorite painting, featured in the title of this entry and below. It really touched me, so I was compelled to visit the Art Institute as well, where the painting is displayed. It has become yet another one of the bonding moments my father and I have had. We both consider this to be our favorite painting, and it makes me happy that he decided to share it with me.

Time Transfixed by Rene Magritte
Posted by Hello


Blogger All Things Jennifer said...

I always enjoyed Golconde...

See blog for pic.

Your post made me smile.
Hope the gloom has lifted in the Windy City...it hasn't here...

3:06 PM  
Blogger Bottle Rocket Fire Alarm said...

Yours is the first page that turned up an image of this painting on a Google image search.

I read a blog by a woman who was frustrated when she mentioned Magritte's "This is Not A Pipe" painting and the person with whome she conversed had no idea what was she talking about but nodded nonetheless.

I saw a Margitte exhibit at the Art Institute Of Chicago in the early 90's and I remembered the pipe painting and this one. This one stuck with me. My father was big into model railroading when I was a kid and so naturally I loved this particular painting.

12:17 AM  

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