Monday, September 13, 2004

Day 4

It's been four days since I was under the knife, and I have to say that I'm feeling pretty good. I'm not back at work or anything(maybe tomorrow), but I've managed to stave off taking more Vicodin- although it is never more than an arm's reach away. I won't lie- there is a lot of pain, but it's pain I can manage without drugs, which I wholeheartedly welcome, as I was getting a little tired of being in a constant narcotic haze.

Yesterday I defied all medical advice and left the apartment for the first time in 75 hours- I went with friend A to the Globe for dinner, sat down, realized that it was too loud and left. We hit up my local Chinese place for some food and came back to the pad to watch a movie, only to find that my roommate was doing pretty much the exact same thing. I wound up sitting up on the front porch for a bit, just happy to be outside. It was wonderful.

J and I named each suture, by the way. We're crazy like that. Either that, or the vicodin was wearing off on her. Their names are: Itchy, Seepy, Lefty and Righty. I'll post a picture later on, which will be gross, when I get around to changing the bandages again.

More later.


Blogger jen said...

Still think it should be:

"Seepy McOoze" the grossest, total bad ass and completely unecessary suture in the femural/tibia region!!!

11:38 AM  

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