Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Day 5

It's day 5 with the newly scoped knee. I'm in a fair amount of pain. I'm again trying to resist taking painkillers so that I may go to work tomorrow with a clear head. Not to mention that I'm going absolutely apeshit climbing the walls here. That was how my conversation went with my boss yesterday. He thinks I should take it easy, and I am, but thanks to growing up a sugar addict in the 1970's I have no attention span nor can I sit still for extended periods of time.

Another thing that's coming out of this is that I'm completely addicted to Jello. Fortunately, Jen has been kind enough to come over and make me some every day. She's a trooper, that one, and deserves my thanks and the thanks of my friends who she's making the workload easier on. she even went as far as to do a couple loads of laundry for me yesterday, then came over and made Jello and did the dishes.

That's all for now- just know that the swelling is down, Seepy is seeping less, and I'm looking forward to hosting pub quiz tonight- hopefully I'll raise some decent money and people will have fun. Chicagoland readers- see you at the Globe.


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