Friday, September 03, 2004

Holeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee shit!

My co-worker was reading through the comments on this post, when he came across this picture:

Watch the video here.
Posted by Hello

In case you haven't already seen it- read the commenter's name.

I haven't laughed so hard in a while.

Another bit of wisdom from the same thread:
2004-09-03 08:54:14 AM SpectroBoy

Dear President Bush,

We, the residents of New York, promise that if Crawford, Texas is ever the sight of a horrible slaughter of innocent humans we will NOT come and throw a party and PR stunt there. Unlike you, we feel that putting on a part and a show on a mass grave is in poor taste.

Please take your brownshirts and go the f*ck home.

PS: Please stop trying to convince us Iraw had anything to do with 9-11. They didn't. Our intelligence was wrong. The war was a mistake. Just be a man and own up to the mistake. Stop trying to trick us in to thinking it wasn;t a mistake. Asshat.

Thank you, SpectroBoy!


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