Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Stuff I was going to talk about before my day started off craptacularly.

Last night's pub quiz at the Globe was fun- at least, I had fun. There were about 20 people there, so I raised just over $100. The really fun part was as I was correcting the last round, the power went out. Not just in the bar, either, but the entire grid including my house was out. It was fun, in the way that temporary power outages are fun- the meet your neighbors and drink the beer before it gets warm type thing. Fortunately, by the time I got home, power had been restored, so all was well. Except that the vicodin I took to avoid pain while I slept was kicking in hardcore, and I slipped on the stairs to my apartment. No damage done, though. I'm rather protective of my new knee, after all.

Just now a funny thing happened. I was resting my noninjured leg on the power cord to my speakers and knocked it out. I guess I won't be hearing anything for a while.

It's amusing to me, for some reason.


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