Thursday, September 09, 2004

We CAN fix him. We have the technology...

Due to being as high as a busload of 70s sitcom stars on Vicodin, I will be guest blogging in the voice of Logan's Dave. Let's try this out....

So this guy calls into the tech desk, his keyboard doesn't work. I being the responsible help-desker ask what he was doing when this started happening.
His reply?
"Well, I did spill part of my Double Latte into it....could THAT be the problem?
"No sir, it's worse than that. Your problem is intense stupidity."

....Hey, that WAS fun!

But to all those wondering the status of our favorite Chicago curmudgeon, never fear he is very well (as previously mentioned, strung out on 500mg of Hydrocodone goodness!) presently watching the Simpsons and giggling while petting his couch and anything that comes near him.

Pictures of the exciting surgery will be up soon!!!


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