Tuesday, October 05, 2004

2004: a birthday in review.

Yesterday was pretty much exactly how I wanted my birthday to go. It was relaxing, predominately solitary, and rather fun. Here's a brief synopsis:

7:30 am: Woke up, got online, played around for a while.
9:30 am: Turned off Regis and Kelly(they annoy me) and got in the shower.
10 am: Played with Twyla and waited for the cable guy at Jen's house. Watched VH1.
11:30 am: Dealt with cable guy for a while.
12:15 pm: Went home, played Civ III: Conquests for a little while.
1:15 pm: Called my best friend to see if she was awake and wanted to get lunch.
1:20 pm: Went to lunch at the Globe.
2:22 pm: Left a message for Wendy to again wish her a happy birthday.
2:30 pm: Checked e-mails, read through very nice e-cards from various people.
2:45 pm: Continued the tradition by watching the Blues Brothers.
3:21 pm: Got a call from Wendy and Joey, wishing me a happy birthday and giving me some wonderful turning 31 advice. Much appreciated.
5:05 pm: Finished movie. Switched over to watch the Simpsons.
6:45 pm: Left to go find a place to have birthday dinner with Jen.
8:45 pm: Showed up at Sylvie's for a birthday drink.
9:45 pm: Went home after watching the end of the first half of football.
10:00 pm: Watched the Simpsons, again.
10:37 pm: Turned 31 years old(offical time).
10:45 pm: Decided to go to bed.
11:24 pm: Got a birthday call from my dad.

So, all in all, it was a good day. I did it my way.


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