Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Saturday was the 2nd anniversary of my 3rd knee surgery. I passed the time drinking at the Sox game with a very good friend of mine that I hadn't seen in a while. I then proceeded to, after going out with him to a bar in the south loop with another friend, go out for karaoke. All told, I was out and about and drinking and cavorting from 5:15 until 3am. Needless to say, I was not in good shape on Sunday, but I managed. Poorly. I went out to watch football, and gave up and went home after about an hour or so. I managed to choke down one Guinness, but that was all I could manage. This so-called rockstar lifestyle I've been pushing myself into is getting old.

Monday was the 5th anniversary of 9/11. I don't want to talk about it. I will say that I avoided all news sources on Monday because of it.

Tomorrow is Pub Quiz's 2nd anniversary, so we had a special anniversary quiz last night, where I doubled all the points. It was fun. It was exciting. We had about 50 people. For those of you who are interested, I've finally started posting the questions again. Clicky if you dare.

In three weeks, Wendy and I will be celebrating our birthday, as will another friend of ours. We're also having birthday parties on the same night, so if you're planning on sending one personality to each, please make sure you RSVP for each. A post for my birthday party is forthcoming. Promise.


Blogger cynthia said...

yay for the heavy-imbibing lifestyle getting old!!!!

3:57 PM  
Blogger Maria said...

I saw the pub quiz from last night, but I didn't understand the Battle of the Sexes round. Do you have to know the answer or what? I knew some answers but when I went to the answer section it just said either women's or men's. I'm daft, I didn't get it.

10:12 PM  

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