Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Got a tattooed tit- say number 13

Wow. I've gone a whole month without a post.

A month and three days for those of you scoring at home.

There's been a lot happening, however, the Vicodin haze plus the pain plus the dirty glasses make reading the screen and typing about the past month seem crazy.

Let me explain that significantly vague sentence by briefly summing up how I got into that state.

Last Monday, I felt like I had something stuck between my teeth. Last Tuesday I had a mild toothache. Last Wednesday I hurt so much I left work early and went to the dentist. After a couple pokes and prods, and an X-ray, I was told I had broken my tooth, specifically, that crazy #13. The break seemed to be a part of a missing filling that went bad quickly after the filling went missing. The break was such that it went below my gum-line, which probably caused a great deal of my pain. Not to mention the exposed nerve. My dentist gave me a referral to go to an oral surgeon to have #13 removed, and a couple of prescriptions- one for antibiotics, one for pain, my sweet old friend Vicodin.

Unfortunately, my appointment got out after 5, so I couldn't call that day. I called the next day, hoping to get a Friday afternoon slot. No dice. They're closed on Friday for the holiday weekend. They're closed on Monday, too, but that's not the surprise. They had a 2pm slot, but I had already eaten that day, so it was botched. I had no choice but to wait until today.

So wait I did, and kept a steady flow of drugs going. Finally, this afternoon, out it came, and although it hurt like hell, I must say, I feel so much better.

I'll try to tell you about the rest of my month tomorrow. Just hold tight.


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