Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Post #800!

Huzzah! Bells and whistles! 800 posts! What a silly thing!

I'll fully admit that my previous post was just a filler until I got to number 800. Ok, maybe not completely filler, but definitely not a whole thought-out blog.

But here we are at 800, and I'm reflecting on a post I made way back in August about turning into my father. The same thing happened to me last night. I went to bed at the regular time, having spent my evening trying to relax and doing laundry. When the storms started coming through, I woke up and went around the house closing windows.

Now, because I have too much time on my hands(it's slow around here today) and because I do math just because, here's a tidbit that I just thought of: I have been writing this blog for 362 days, and have 800 posts. That averages to 2.21 posts a day.

Now, aren't you curious as to why you still read this thing? I am.

Anyways, the big Blogiversary is Saturday. What's going to be in the celebration? Nothing, really. I might mention it. Send me a card. Does Yahoo! even make blogiversary cards? They should. I'd send you one.

It has been agreed that today's Chicago Sun Times crossword(note: the link will only work today) was far too easy. I think I finished the whole thing in 3 or 4 minutes. It's just that easy. Try for yourself.

Anyways, because I'm rambling, here's a funny thing about Friday night:

I was meeting my friend D out at the Cumberland stop on the Blue Line because he works in the suburbs and wouldn't have time to pick me up in the city. Right after I finished calling D, I was walking to the pre-arranged pick up area and saw another woman I knew. I couldn't place her name, but I know I knew her(and in retrospect I think I just figured it out). As I'm walking away trying to figure that out, I hear someone behind me say 'Dave.' I ignore it, as there are literally millions of people named Dave in the world, and I'm only one of them. Then I hear 'Dr. StrangeDave.' That's when I turned around. It was my buddy S, an old friend of D, who was getting off at the same stop. We chatted, I invited him to dinner with us before the game, but he had plans. It was just funny that I was out there to meet one friend, ran into another, and we all got talking.

I love it when fate is like that. Makes me laugh.


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