And in cholesterol news tonight....
It's not too much lower. It is, however, lower.
So- next up, it's medication and a follow up in 4 to 6 weeks.
Joy of joys.
It's not too much lower. It is, however, lower.
Yeah, I could have spent yesterday writing tonight's pub quiz, but I didn't. I spent my day at the doctors, and then I wasted time. It was, after all, a day off, so I don't feel guilty. Point being, that's why you haven't heard from me today. I was busy writing tonight's quiz.
I rarely ride the bus. I hate the bus. I hated it when I was in school, and I hate it just as much now that I'm a "grown up." Today, however, after my appointment with my surgeon(BTW, he's extremely happy with my progress and thinks that I can scale back my PT) opportunity knocked to take the bus to the train station instead of walking the 4 blocks that I really didn't want to walk. Knowing that I would be able to get the trifecta of CTA card usage(1 full fare, 1, 25-cent transfer and 1 free transfer), I jumped right on the bus.
My horoscope from the Onion:
Don't get me wrong. I am thankful about what I have, and I'll get into that later, but I want to get this off my chest. I don't mind my job, when you get down to it, I do enjoy helping people- it still gives me that good feeling that I crave so much. However, I cannot stand for constant hand-holding. It makes me crazy. It made me crazy when I worked at Tower as well. I was always instantly annoyed with people who would walk into the store with a list and just grab the first employee they found and said "I can't find these." Fuck you. You didn't even try.
I found this on Anna's blog, and well, couldn't help but repost.
One of my favorites, taken by Joey, is this shot. Unfortunately, I was unable to kneel next to the saurkraut display, but my therapist and I are working on that knee. We have big hopes.
I'm in a good mood. Why? I think you could probably guess, but here's the news:
For the first time in the history of the Picks League, someone has achieved a perfect 16-0 week. Schlitzkrieg blitzkrieg-ed its way to a perfect record, making the 14-2 marks posted by 6 other people look pretty pathetic. So, we must all bow to the Schlitzkrieg and tremble in fear.
Week 11 results:
Carl Eller Division: Schlitzkrieg 16-0 (7pts); Nibblonian Conquest 14-2 (6 pts); 3M and Smashing Helmets 13-3 (4.5 pts each); Pilate's Pirates 12-4 (3 pts); Ressler's Wrestlers and The Natural 11-5 (1.5 pts each); and Knights of Palatinus 10-6 (0 pts)
John Elway Division: Cool B.O.B., Jesssox, Thunderball, The Emus, and Super Bowl Champion Bearz 14-2 (5 pts each); Wicker Baskets and Pickled Herrings 12-4 (1.5 pts ech); and Patty's Cakes 10-6 (0 pts)
You would think after a weekend like I had I would have jumped all over my blog and got you all caught up on my life. Alas, sorry to disappoint, but I've been busy writing pub quiz rounds for tomorrow night's quiz at the Globe. I'm done now.
You are73% Libra |
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My father is one of the most intelligent people I have ever known, and he's also one of the funniest. I'm not saying this in a my-dad-would-beat-your-dad-on-Last-Comic-Standing-and-Jeopardy! kind of way, either. That's just my 30 odd years of experience talking.
And it's hard to hold a candle in the cold November Rain.
I'm adding a new blog to the blogroll, and I feel like I should explain why, because I think that those who regularly read me will think I've lost a proverbial screw, but I haven't.
I wont say what I really think about the genius that started the season on election day since its probably the same person that started the season on Halloween in previous years. Theres only a presidential election 1x every 4 years. We start on that day..Genius. Lets see, which are going to get more highlights and press coverage Nov 3rd. The kickoff of the NBA season or the election. The NBA has a great idea to feature Premiere Week and we start it on Election Night. Brilliant. Its had an impact on us. We sold out our pre season home games, but we still have plenty of seats left for the home opener and also for the first couple games of the year. To help balance the brilliance of NBA marketing starting us off on election day, we created a special 3 pack of tickets. $25 dollar tickets (regularly 30 or 39 dollars) for 3 the first 3 games, for $75 dollars. Get em before they are gone!
Me. For the second night in a row, I was up well past my usual bedtime, and was up late catching up with an out-of-town friend. Drinks were had, sleep was lost, all in the still of the night. I also had yet another "I'm turning into my father" moments. Around about 1:45, I was aroused from my sleep by the television. Hm. I don't remember the TV being on in the first place. Because my room is right off the living room, I wandered out there to discover the TV blaring infomercials. I turned it off, and slinked back to bed, trying to not disturb my guest. Next thing you know I'll be walking around complainging about not being the electric company.
Pat wanted to get my results on this quiz:
So, I've finally seen a picture of the Virgin Mary sandwich.
I didn't say much about Armistice Day(Rememberance Day, Veteran's Day) last week because I, well, I don't know why I didn't say anything. But I'm not going to let this go. I sat in my living room last Thursday, as I imagine many people did, and I watched Saving Private Ryan. I enjoy that movie, and I think it helps me understand what people went through on D-Day and how horrible war is.
I came across this article via Fark this morning, asking the question whether or not Canada should indict Bush on war crimes and violations of the U.N. Charter. As much as I would love to see that, please don't.
Stuck in my head this morning(since my co-worker and I started discussing his experience at the Pixies show last night) is Wave of Mutilation. This is an acceptable song to have stuck in my head, as it stands to be one of my favourites, so I really can't complain.
I'll fully admit that I got really, really, really pissed off in 1999 when Gary Anderson missed the winning field goal(his first miss all fucking season) in the NFC Championship game which the Vikings eventually lost, but I certainly never thought about doing anything like this.
I'm turning and facing the strain, ch-ch-changes.
No, not from last night's show. From last weekend's trip to Toronto the birthday/engagement party for my favorite couple, courtesy of Rannie the Photo Junkie. The link goes to Joey's entry about the pictures, but if you have time(and you should make the time, because Rannie is that good of a photographer) view the album here. My favorite is towards the very end, where I'm clearly sleeping on the couch. Oh- and also the one Rannie took of the walkway Joey's roommate and I strung with holiday lights.
Last night's show was really, really good. They played just about everything, and they played it well. The only major problem was the venue. I've said it once, and I'll say it a hundred times, the Aragon Ballroom is a horrible place to see a show. The acoustics are just fucked.
As mentioned in this post, here's the list. Not necessarily in this order, but here's how I worked out the CD:
1. YOUR PORN STAR NAME: (Name of first pet / Street you live on):
Just to pass some time:
Last night I was so tired after PT that I fell asleep on the couch. Again. I'm getting lazier and lazier it seems. This is bad, because I was supposed to meet my friend for his birthday, but when I talked to him he said plans were falling apart. I feel bad, because he's a good friend, and I really wanted to hang out. My roommate got home about 9:30 or so and I decided to go to bed for real, because I didn't stand a chance of maintaining consciousness. Away to dreamland I went.
As I was in therapy tonight my therapist asked me if I felt more flexible. I didn't really know, until a little while later, I was setting down a workout ball when I realized something: my fingers were remarkably close to my toes. So I wondered to myself... can I, for the first time in my life, touch my toes?
You know how the TSA sometimes searches you, and you feel offended, because you're not a terrorist, and you're not planning on blowing up the plane, and you still have to take your shoes off, even though you know they got the wrong person?
I'm being overly morbid today, and I can't figure out why.
I'm not the only person who thinks my job can suck the sweat off a... well, think of something horrible, anyways. Then read this article.
Hit up the Onion's website today. They're more on than usual, including the "In The News" pic of Kerry catching bin Laden.
Last night I did something I haven't done in months: I made tacos. I haven't made tacos since my doctor discovered that I have high cholesterol, and decided, because I had been so good lately, to take the plunge and indulge myself.
Because you're all a bunch of horrible sinners.
Check your calendars, folks, and you'll hopefully notice that it's been 2 whole months since my third knee surgery. So, let's see what's going on with that old joint- it's looking more and more like a knee- the hair has mostly grown back, the scars are settling into a relative obscurity(although you can still see them fairly well), and I can do most of the things I could do before I hurt myself. There are a few things I cannot do that I wish I could, things like kneeling and running(although I did move pretty quick up the stairs to the el today). I'm trying to push myself, but not too hard, because that's where bad things happen.
I've just come from a meeting with the owners of the Globe Pub. We've made some adjustments for the pub quiz, and I designed a poster all on my lonesome for advertising.
I know I want this, but do I really need another DVD?
This weekend's trip to Canada was OUTSTANDING. I had a blast. Let me recap:
I'm certainly not taking for granted. I'm not even sure if I'll be able to post this entry.
My friend sent me this via e-mail a few hours ago. I've since seen it on a couple other blogs, but wanted to share it with you as well.
I've been debating how I was going to write about this, either my usual, Angry Dave style, or maybe trying out Cynthia's "Interview with the Blogger by the Internet" style(which was originated by Tony Pierce), but, seeing as I've been watching episode after episode of Six Feet Under, I've decided to try my hand at writing the beginning of an episode:
Believe it or not, but I was the only person in the bar last night who noticed this guy right away.
According to Fox News, it's over. So much for making every vote count.
To the World:
I've had enough, we've had enough.
Back to the elections, anyways.
I'm not going to speak towards the accuracy of this little quiz, but my results are interesting, at least, to me they are.
In non-election related news, has made some of their famous songs into ringtones. Sadly, my cellphone's browser can't access their website, so I can only dream of having my cell phone ring out as Badgers or Kenya.
I don't always agree with his politics, and I certainly don't like being hit over the head with them, but I have to link to this article by Michael Moore. The two most important sections(to me) are:
To the Non-Swing States:
Stop listening to how your vote doesn’t count in this election and that your state is already decided for Kerry or Bush. It is critical that you vote because we not only need to give Kerry the electoral win, but he needs to have a HUGE mandate with an ENORMOUS popular vote victory as well. It will be impossible for him to get anything done for four years if there is no clear mandate. We must not only defeat Bush, we must put a stake in the heart of the right-wing, neo-con movement. If you live in New York, California, Illinois, Texas, the Northeast or the Deep South, you need to vote and you need to bring ten people with you to the polls. If you live in a state where we have the chance to elect the Democrat to the Senate or the House, you need to vote. Turn off the TV. Quit listening to news media that has a vested interest in repeating to you over and over that your vote does not count. It does.
If you have friends or relatives who live in the 30-plus non-swing states, call them and remind them how important it is that Kerry gets a massive popular vote victory.
To Non-Voters:
I understand why you stopped voting. Politicians suck. Nothing ever seems to change. You’re only one vote.
Yes, politicians suck. But so do car salesmen – and that hasn’t stopped you from buying a car. Politicians only respond to the threat of the angry mob also known as the voting public. If most people don’t vote, that’s good news for them ‘cause then they don’t have to answer to the majority.
Almost fifty percent of Americans don’t vote. That means you belong to the largest political party in America – the Non-Voting Party. That means you hold all the power to toss George W. Bush out of the Oval Office. How cool is that?
I believe that we are going to have the largest election turnout in our lifetime tomorrow. You don’t want to miss out on that. The lines at the polls are going to be long and raucous and fun. It is an historic election. You won’t want to say that you were the only one who wasn’t there. Promise me you’ll vote, just this one time.
Despite leaving my house at 6:05 this morning, there was already a line at my polling place(a bar I frequent, about 1/2 a block from my house). I waited, did my civic duty, and missed the late train to work. Oh well. I still got out my vote. And it should be noted that I proudly voted FOR a regime change.
Ah. A tribute to my old friends, Soul Coughing. Or is it?
Mia got this sent to her on the Slut Test.
Ok, just my weekend.
*I'll spare you the entire diatribe on how ironic it was for a lifelong Vikings fan to be rooting for the Packers.