Warning: Swears ahead!
Well, it took 18 days (which, by the way, totals 432 hours, NOT fucking 24), but I have finally received a response from my letter to Alamo/National. Here it is, unedited, for all the world to see:
Thank you for your email inquiry. I appreciate the opportunity to
your concerns.
Please excuse my tardiness in answering your email. The company has made
the business decision to only accept debit cards if they are accompanied by
a round trip transportation ticket. This exception to the more common non
debit card rental policy at other companies allows us to offer a special
opportunity to the airline industry customers. I apologize for any
inconvenience this may cause you.
We are disappointed that this policy was a source of dissatisfaction for
you. We appreciate your comments and will take them into consideration
for future policy review. We can assure you that it is not our intention
to aggravate or upset any of our valued customers and we appreciate your
taking the time to share your thoughts.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to
contact us.
Claudia C.
Customer Service
So, my response, which I should probably just send to Alamo/National:
Go fuck a syphilis-ridden goat, you ass-jousting fuckholes. It is absolutely incomprehensible that they #1: took so long to answer, #2: didn't make me any happier, only managing to apologize, and #3: didn't have the fucking balls to respond with a last name, phone number, or any useful information. Frankly, I could have written a better apology letter and I could have done it within the 24 hours they promise.
So, friends, readers, countryfolk, lend me your online time:
I am hereby calling for all my associates to boycott Alamo/National. I know that frequently, they are among the cheaper of the car rental services, but if the difference is a couple bucks a day, I'll buy you a couple beers to make up for it. Promise. All I ask is that you stop using their services. I already have, and it's already being a pain in my ass.
Alamo/National is fucking clownshoes.
Enough on that. I'm going to have to decide if I want to write back to them demanding further satisfaction, or if I should just tell them to go fuck a syphilis-ridden goat.
I had a long day. And it's probably going to be a long night. I have no costume, I have no desire to dress up, and I'm tired. These are not things conducive to partying all night. Anyway, Happy Halloween everyone. I'm going to hit the shower.