108 days to go
It's hot and it's wet in the Windy City today. A bad combination if you're biking.
The skeleton in my closet was rattling around again today. Strange things are afoot, methinks. I don't like it when things make me nervous, and those things are few and far between, so imagine my discomfort.
I decided that I wanted to hear from my readers, if any, but I doubt Blogger supports the cool little comments thing like
Wendy has. Instead, I started up a new e-mail account, just for y'all to comment at. Maybe, after I try to renew, I'll turn this thing into some kind of advice column or some other half-crocked idea like that. It could work. I'm thinking of a Pump
Up the Volume-type thing. Just call me Happy Harry! The e-mail address, if you care to use it, is
loganrenew@hotmail.com write me letters, ask me what I think about stupid stuff, I don't know. It's there if you want it.
Thanks to finals week, my personal hygiene is lacking. I need a shave, both head and face. I need to do laundry, too. At least, for better or for worse, the term is over for me tomorrow. This weekend, I plan to sleep. And do laundry. And go for a really, really long bike ride. Something like down to the Field Museum and back up to Evanston. That would be fun. A kind of spirit-cleansing bike ride.
Anyways, let's get back to my skeleton rattling around. Here's my question, friends: should I respond? I have my fair share of exes that I am friends with(you know who you are), but is it really plausible this time? Does it matter? Should I continue to ignore, or should I respond and politely ask for the e-mails to cease? Too bad I'm not taking Java yet. I could link you to a poll, so all three of my readers could respond. Gimme a term or two, I'll get there.
Last summer, I got an e-mail from a friend of mine, who, through mutual friends, met an ex of mine from high school. He was kind enough to e-mail me first to ask permission to give her my e-mail address. To quote his e-mail: "
I know how you love to hear from your old girlfriends." The tone, which doesn't translate terribly well here, was sarcastic. Enough on that. I've got some stuff to do before I finish school, and it's stuff I have to do to finish school.
So be it!
Oh, um, today's movie quote. Well, it's going to be super easy, especially if you were paying attention to what you just read here. "
Talk hard!" Yesterday's movie, by the way, was
Good Morning, Vietnam. And for those of you who like to notice when I screw up, I realized right after I posted that I typed mister instead of airman. Sorry for the confusion.